





课程来自于 100天话题口语社群(赠写作进阶)
规则是这样的:第一天拿到这个问题的中文回答,学生只需要逐句根据关键字提示回译成英文,然后提交作业;第二天网页会出现英文原稿、朗读音频和讲解音频,学生对比参考答案中的知识点分析自己的翻译,然后模仿朗读音频,提交一个最满意的版本。每个话题有一个改编过的雅思或者托福真题,分两天练习。第一天拿到这个题的中文回答,学生只需要逐句按提示词回译成英文;第二天会收到英文原稿、文稿笔记、朗读音频和讲解音频,学生对比参考答案中的知识点分析自己前一天的作业,然后模仿朗读音频,提交一版最满意的音频。共50个话题,为期100天。 文件里的音频是采取超级录屏软件,声音清晰,和网站上放出来没有任何差别。
文件目录 地道英文写作进阶 .pdf
Will Computers Replace teachers .docx
Send Messages or Make Phone Calls .docx
A Speech You Liked .docx
An Important Festival .docx
Work Independently .docx
Homesick .docx
Learn by Yourself or with a Teacher .docx
Plastic Surgery .docx
Characteristics of Parents .docx
Biggest Challenge When Study .docx
College Dropouts .docx
Technology and environmental problems .docx
Role of Celebrities .docx
Live Alone or Live with Others .docx
Small or Big .docx
A Special Gift .docx
Food Miles .docx
Your Favorite Magazine .docx
Problems in Big Cities .docx
An Electronic Appliance .docx
Pollution and Responsibility .docx
E-books or Paper Books .docx
A Situation That Made You Angry .docx
An Interesting Conversation .docx
Advantages and Disadvantages of Doing a Part-time Job .docx
A Piece of Advice .docx
Impolite Behavior .docx
An Ambition to Achieve .docx
Work-life Balance .docx
Learn a Foreign Language .docx
A Journey to Remember .docx
A Happy Couple .docx
Your Favourite Song .docx
An Impressive Work of Art .docx
Your Favorite TV Show .docx
Choose a Restaurant .docx
Money as Incentive .docx
Money and Happiness .docx
Life without Cellphone .docx
An Accident You Saw .docx
The Pros and Cons of Keeping Pets in the Dorms .docx
An Interesting Neighbor .docx
A Movie You Enjoyed .docx
Technology Save or Waste Time .docx
A Historic Site .docx
A Place Near Water .docx
Should Museums be Free of Charge .docx
Creativity .docx
Are We Healthier .docx
A Plant in Your Country .docx
An Ambition to Achieve.avi
A Special Gift.avi
Send Messages or Make Phone Calls.avi
Advantages and Disadvantages of Doing a Part-time Job.avi
Learn by Yourself or with a Teacher.avi
Work Independently.avi
Choose a Restaurant.avi
A Journey to Remember.avi
A Situation That Made You Angry.avi
A Plant in Your Country.avi
Work-life Balance.avi
Will Computers Replace teachers.avi
Are We Healthier.avi
An Interesting Neighbor.avi
Learn a Foreign Language.avi
Role of Celebrities.avi
An Accident You Saw.avi
Money as Incentive.avi
E-books or Paper Books.avi
College Dropouts.avi
Technology Save or Waste Time.avi
Live Alone or Live with Others.avi
A Historic Site.avi
Pollution and Responsibility.avi
Your Favourite Song.avi
The Pros and Cons of Keeping Pets in the Dorms.avi
Impolite Behavior.avi
Money and Happiness.avi
An Impressive Work of Art.avi
Technology and environmental problems.avi
Problems in Big Cities.avi
A Speech You Liked.avi
Biggest Challenge When Study.avi
An Electronic Appliance.avi
An Important Festival.avi
Your Favorite Magazine.avi
Your facorite TV show .avi
Food Miles.avi
A Place Near Water.avi
An Interesting Conversation.avi
Plastic Surgery.avi
A Movie You Enjoyed.avi
Characteristics of Parents.avi
A Piece of Advice.avi
Should Museums be Free of Charge.avi
Small or Big.avi
Life without Cellphone.avi
A Happy Couple.avi

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